State Police District Emergency Roof Repair

Project Details: The State Police District 7 complex in Moline, Illinois experienced water infiltration and ongoing roof failure due to the age of the roof and brick tuck-pointing. The square footage of asphalt shingles was 20,800 square feet. As-built drawings were created based on field observations and original 1930s blueprints.
Carlile Architects was hired by the Illinois Capital Development Board to evaluate the failure, provide immediate emergency stabilization design, and repair the structure. The design program called for a complete replacement of asphalt shingles, roofing felt, roof ice dam, gutters, and downspouts, flashing for roof accessories, roof dormers, and brick masonry tuck-pointing. This project was completed under a Tier 1 emergency repair.
Project Year: 2016 - 2017
Location: Moline, IL
Scope: Pre-Design, Design Development, Procurement and Construction Administration.
About the Client: The vision of the Illinois State Police is to strive for excellence in all that they do and seeking to be one of the premier policing agencies in the country. The mission is to promote public safety to improve the quality of life in Illinois.